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超买是交易者所熟知的。 但是,究竟什么是“狂买”? 以前,很难解释,让人们理解“狂买”。 经过两天的暴涨和小瀑布,现在应该更容易了。 charting on tradingview Source English 中文原文 狂买是“9季彩虹9 Seasons Rainbow Multiple Time Frames Pattern”指标中定义的新术语,是九季之一:牛(绿色),牛回撤(浅绿色),压力/超买(黄色),狂买 ( 亮绿),中性(白色),熊(红色),熊反弹(浅红色),支撑/超卖(蓝色),狂卖(紫红色)。 定义:狂买(亮绿):价格在高波动中上涨,可能是一个有效的突破,或者是一个多头陷阱。 定义:压力/超买(黄色):压力区域,可能成为顶部,或被突破。 狂买(亮绿)的演变: 当压力区被突破时,压力/超买(黄色)成为狂买(亮绿); 当价格保持在范围区域之上时,这是一个成功的突破,亮绿延伸; 当价格上涨到一个新的水平并停留在那里时,狂买(亮绿)成为牛回撤(浅绿色); 当价格回落到区间范围内时,这是一个失败的突破,狂买(亮绿)转回超买(黄色)。 狂买(亮绿)信号的价值: 当狂买(亮绿)出现在最短的时间维度上时,可以考虑马上做多。 当狂买(亮绿)出现在中期或长期时间范围内时,等待短时间维度的做多信号,其色带变为绿色,或使用传统的MACD,RSI,STOCHASTIC等。 当狂买(亮绿)变为黄色,关闭多头头寸或做空。 单色带中的亮绿是弱信号,具有特定模式的亮绿才具有获利交易的高概率。 (请参阅其他有关模式的教程) 停止设置:在横盘箱体的上边界下设置停止,留出一段距离。 市场很复杂,高风险伴随高回报。 (90%的时间) 压力/超买(黄色)通常意味着多头在该时间框架内耗尽,因此做空是合理的。 然而,一些隐藏的大鳄可以突然操纵/影响价格,尤其是在小时间维度。当依据压力/超买(黄色)信号开一个空头头寸时,如果黄色成为亮绿,应关闭空头头寸。 狂买(亮绿)通常意味着突破,所以做多是合理的; 然而,突破可能会失败,所以当亮绿反转为黄色时,关闭多头头寸。 有关其他8季的详细信息,请参阅指标页面: https://www.tradingview.com/scrip...
Tutorial 3: Why Do People Ignore the Foot Steps of a Huge Bear
A DUMP just happened, as alerted in my last idea <<BITCOIN is Overbought, a big pullback may happen soon>> of yesterday. Not many people agreed with me. I have another education idea <<Yellow, the Color that Predicts Dump of Bitcoin>>, which listed all the Tops indicated by <<9 Seasons Rainbow Indicator>> since November 2018 in 15m time frame. Charting by tradingview Source of Education Idea Normally overbought is good time to take the profit; however, it could evolve to crazybought, which indicates kind of Breakout or a final bull run. While CrazyBought turns back to Overbought, it indicates Bull is exhausted again. When there are overbought in multiple time frames between 1H and 4H, for BITCOIN , if it is not a super Bull market as 2017, normally means Bull is becoming exhausted. A Good policy is to Short the new high, that is Amazing. Tips: 9 Seasons Definition in <<9 Seasons Rainbow Indicator>>: ---------- 9 Seas...
The 9 Seosons Rainbow Indicator is a very interesting indicator that might help with most of my unanswered questions.